IPTV for ed set to debut March 3

L’Associazione no profit MSBA (Missouri School Boards Association) ha da poco lanciato una Tv via Internt interamante dedicate all’educazione.  La nuova televisione educativa sarà costituita da una vasta scelta di video on demand espressamente creati per le scuole, per gli insegnanti e per gli studenti, offerti gratuitamente in alcuni casi oppure in pay per view o con una programmazione differenziata a secondo dell’iscrizione al servizio.

eSchool News
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February 23, 2006—Looking to take the use of video in the classroom and the community at large to new heights, a group of forward-thinking educators in Missouri is preparing to launch a new internet-based television network–one that might very well transform how education and training is delivered in schools throughout the state, and beyond

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