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The seventh World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE2001) is an IFIP event organized by UNI-C – The Danish IT Centre for Education and Research. Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra is patroness for the conference.

WCCE 2001 will explore

The seventh World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE2001) is an IFIP event organized by UNI-C – The Danish IT Centre for Education and Research. Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra is patroness for the conference.

WCCE 2001 will explore the use of ICT in education and the teaching of Informatics. We will review progress since WCCE1995, share experiences and predict trends for the future.

It will be a conference for everyone involved in education and training, and it will be attractive to both experienced practitioners and beginners who wish to update their knowledge and skills.

We are looking forward to welcoming:

* Teachers

* Professional Trainers

* Teacher Educators

* Informatics Experts

* Policy Makers

* Curriculum Designers

* IT Vendors

* Manufacturers

* Learners

Themes of the conference

The WCCE 2001 will deal with pilot experiments, large-scale projects, national policies and innovative ideas.

Authors and presenters will reflect the State of The Art in 2001 and are expected to write about one or more of the following themes:

* Knowledge as a resource

* Networking the learner

* ICT as a catalyst for change

* Learner-centred teaching

* Flexible and Distance Learning

* Integration of ICT into education and training

* Innovative pedagogical methods

* Changing role of tutors

* Teacher Education

* Informatics as a subject for study

* Educational software and hardware

* Accreditation of new competencies and evaluation

* Equity and social issues

* Progress in developing countries

* Visions of future ICT developments

* Evolution of national policies

* Professional development and vocational education



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DK-2100 Copenhagen O


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