Project name
eSTREAM – Increasing the use of Streaming technology in school education in Europe

Project aims
eSTREAM aims at promoting the exchange of experiences and the sharing of good practise on the use of streaming media, media on demand services and interactive multicasting (broadcasting) for school education. This includes technological and feasability aspects of the use of streaming technology, organisational matters, the implementation of media on demand and interactive multicasting in classroom practise and for ODL as well as the exploration of issues related to transnational exchanges of streaming material and the exploration of the forthcoming technical standards and questions related to standardization.

eSTREAM will start with an analysis of the state of the art in Europe, regarding technical, economical, organisational and educational/methodological aspects.ICT-focussed schools already cooperating with the partners on a regional or national level will take part in the second phase which is the application of streaming media in classrooms by develpoing a number of educational, technical and organisational scenarios. A research report on this testing/ implementation phase will lay the basis for a physical demo-site nad a series of online working demonstrators for schools, an online utilization service including guidelines for teachers and an online information and promotion service.

A small scale transnational workshop with leading European projects and inititaives and an open European conference will make sure, eSTREAM contributes to a Europeanwide competence building, networking and dissemination. eSTREAM will provide a final, conclusive project report in order to support decision makers on a regional, national and transnational level, teachers, teacher educators and trainers as well as multimedia companies throughout Europe with the management of change by a better understanding of innovation by eLearning via streaming media.

EDUCATION HIGHWAY/ Innovationszentrum für Schule und neue Technologie GmbH (Austria)
CSP Innovazione nelle ICT (Italy)
ATiT, Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications (Belgium)
University of Patras/School of Education (Greece)
Science and Education Center (Greece)
Donegal Education Center (Ireland
Swedish TelePedagogic Knowledge Centre (Sweden)

October 2003 – November 2006
