Name of project
INTEGRA – Integrating new technologies in school: developing and promoting core competencies in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay

Project aims
The INTEGRA project aims at developing and improving capabilities of Latin American schools for using, managing, and leveraging the use of Information and Communication Technologies in teaching and administration. The Demonstration Project will implement, on a Latin American regional scale (comprising Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile), a network of Innovation Centres (CedeI – Centros de Innovacion), placed at secondary or tertiary education institutions, to become centres of excellence in didactical experimentation, in animation of formative events, and in service to less developed affiliated schools.

The network of centres will be organised by leveraging the positive results of large-scale European initiatives, namely the Dschola project in Piemonte, Italy, the XTEC network in Catalunya, Spain, and the projects carried out by the National Centre for Technology in Education -NCTE-, in Ireland. Significant project effort will be devoted to enable centres to seek for self-financing of further activities, after the end of the projects, by improving their ICT management capabilities and by interesting relevant political players.

The main goal of the INTEGRA project is the creation of a EU-LA human and technological network to respond to the needs of the educational systems in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, by integrating new technologies in schools and improving technical, pedagogical and organisational skills. Firstly the project will be addressed to a limited number of selected educational institutions and, in a second phase of the project,these skills will be spread to other Latin American centres.

ISMB Istituto Superiore per le Tecnologie dell’Informazione M. Boella – Italy
CSP Innovazione nelle ICT (Italy)
NCTE – National Centre for Technology in Education (Ireland)
XTEC – Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)Columbus – Red de universidades de Europa y América Latina especializada en la gestiòn institucional (France)
IIPE – Instituto Internacional de Planificaciòn de la Educaciòn (Argentina)
UCV – Universidad Catòlica de Valparaiso (Chile)
Secretarìa Regional Ministerial de Educaciòn de la V Regiòn (Chile)
Secretarìa de Educaciòn del Gobierno Autònomo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)Ministerio de Educaciòn de la Provincia de La Pampa (Argentina)
Universidad ORT Uruguay (Uruguay)

October 2003 – September 2006
